Informal, self-organised workshops for Winter School, 18 and 19 January 2021 (in preparation of ‘IRL’ EFAP Summer/Training School, June 2022)
Day 1: 18 January 2021
Part I: Presentation of different workshop topics (14.00 – 16.00):
1) Media:
1.1) Open Syllabi, Pirate Care (Masha Salazkina, Marcell Mars)
1.2) Spheres Journal (Joshua Neves, Clemens Apprich)
2) Migration:
2.1) From Sea to City (Violeta Moreno-Lax, Hagen Kopp)
2.2) Militarised Autonomous Zones (Miguel Oliveros)
3) Governance:
3.1) Easternised Infrastructures (Jamie Allen)
3.2) Cold War Histories (Armina Pilav)
3.3) Movement (Catherine Willems)
3.4) Urban Development (Michaela Büsse)
4) EFAP context working group:
4.1) Presentation of outcomes, Publication (Inês Moreira)
4.2) Preparation for Training School 2021 (Adnan Hadzi)
4.3) Short Term Scientific Mission (Catherine Willems)
Day 1, Part II (16.00 – 19.00):
1) Migration workshop (16.00-17.00)
2) EFAP workshop (17.00-19.00)
Day 2: 19 January 2021 (16.00 – 22.00)
1) Media workshop (16.00-18.00)
2) Governance workshop (17.00-19.00)
3) Wrap up: moderators present outcomes of workshop
Notes Media Stream workshop
Action points:
– During lock-down focus on publication, how to collaborate over distance?
– Mid/end March cut off date for decision if June Summer School should go ahead as ‘IRL’, blended virtual/’IRL’, or completely virtual
– Start working on an Advanced Practices publication using Sandpoints architecture to create a computer book published with Spheres Journal
– Month of February publication core group to form in order to discuss triad, hierarchy of the containers
– Communicate triad with Marcel Mars to set up Advanced Practices syllabus
– Core group needs to nominate librarians
– All the archival materials (e.g. Governance materials on google drive) can already be copied over and hosted on the Memory of the World project
– From March on onwards librarians to start work on Advanced Practices publication
– Aim is to pull publication together at the end of the Summer School (Offline version, as computer book on Raspberry Pi, published with Spheres Journal, & online version hosted on Sandpoints/Spheres)
– An offline syllabus to be made available during the Summer School in Malta
– Contribute with WG1 Context output to the syllabus publication
– Technologies of Media, Migration, Governance: possible publication resource: Spheres Journal
– Build our own Media/Migration/Governace platform as a syllabus
– Marcel briefly presented how to set up a sandpoints syllabus, with a git backend, by defining ‘triads’. First the group should nominate librarians, and start defining a hierarchy for the Advanced Practices containers.
– Once the structure, hierarchy is decided upon Marcel can implement it for the Advanced Practices publication on Media, Migration, Governance
– Zotero and Calibre are being used in order to import metadata and files into sandpoint with the ‘accorder’ Python program
– Mark Down driven, librarians and/or core group should handle mark down
– chat on publication:
adnan 4:57 PM
from the working group for advanced practices there might be people wanting to join that group
jamie 4:59 PM
i’d like to be a part of any ‘subgroups’ that look at ways of using the platforms for June — and beyond… we have repositories of ‘grey lit’ we’re looking as research for acitivities in Malta (MOU type stuff) that we’d like to annotate, and work with, rewrite and mess up, distribute and highlight, etc., etc.
– Pirate Care triad is:
1) syllabus
2) topic
3) session
– Datawo Nubian Studies Journal triad:
1) Journal
2) Issue
3) Article
– Machine Listening triad:
1) Curriculum
2) Topic
3) Experiment
– GEMLab triad:
1) Curriculum
2) Topic
3) Syllabus
– possible triad
1) Book
2) Part
3) Chapter
– or
1) Library
2) Repository
3) Book
Notes Migration Stream workshop
– Migration Platform from Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta (UM), preparation workshop for Summer School 2021
– Following an initiative by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, the University of Malta has officially set up a Platform for Migration. This platform aims to promote research related to migration while facilitating synergies, dialogue and training initiatives between the different University entities in migration-related matters. It shall also be conducting research on migration through its involvement in several projects and experiments, through collaboration with local and international entities, and in conjunction with associated universities and research institutes. A focused peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on the topic of migration, and an electronic portal for the publication, discussion and dissemination of knowledge in the area of migration are also in the works.
– further infos:
– Disruption lab on Borders of Fear: conference in Berlin about migration, security & control – Disruption Network Lab, ( are organising a conference about human rights violations in the context of migrations, focusing on the discourse of borders both at a concrete level (closure of frontiers, creation of refugee camps, escalation of security), and as a strategy of cultural violence part of right-wing propaganda. The title is “Borders of Fear: Migration, Security and Control”. This event aims to shed light on the wrongdoing in the context of migration, investigating the reasons and practice of rising borders and walls, leading to cultural and physical violence, persecution and racism.
– Militarised Autonomous Zones
– From Sea to City
– Free el Hiblu campaign by Amnesty Interantional
– Plan B for Migration Stream during Summer School would be to consider the ‘IRL’ aspect to happen in September, between Sicily, Malta, Tunisia, for 10 years anniversary of the Arab Uprising, Tunisia commemoration
– Discussed with Nathalia from African Media Association Malta (AMAM) to organise Music Jam Sessions together with Electronic Music Malta (together with Martina from EMM)
– Presented also update on Music produced by Young J Kay & Aidan
– Kopin is also involved in music/music video production
– Miguel discussed to present Militarised Autonomous Zones in the Immersive Lab CAVE system of University of Malta, possibly giving a workshop on immersive storytelling
– Transnational action day on 9 February: shipwreck off Garabulli, Libya
– CommemorActionüre-202004-screen.pdf
– chat:
jamie 4:19 PM
Just a personal note that I could support a music production workshop if that’s helpful (amongst the sound / design / video production capacities in the Governance group)
Notes Governance Stream workshop
– Discussed four position papers:
1) Cold War F(r)ictions (Armina & Lennaart)
2) Easternised Infrastructures (Merve & Jamie)
3) Migration & Movement (Sophie & Catherine)
4) Material transformation and its relationship to migration (Michaela & Margerita)
– Margerita Pule presented the project unfinished art space
– also:
– Bettina Hutschek
– also:
– Kristina Borg
– Jamie & Lennaart to join publication group/librarians, re-consolidate Documents & Monuments, that could also be used as a framework for a publication / use of the Sandpoint Syllabus platform.
– Jamie: I keep thinking of these ‘annotations’ formats that could be multimedia based, but that’s just a first idea.
– Situated broadcast in specific places in Malta, having people to walk around in Malta streaming media mediated ethnographies at a distance research question for STSM?
– Governance stream as contemporary case study for EFAP WG1 on context?
– Organise an EFAP short term scientific mission (STSM) for June 2021, around summer/training school?
– Geological department UM Mediterranean institute UM Archaeology UM monument for governance stream?
– Nonument
– (MAP) MALTA Documents & Monuments
– (DOSSIERS) MALTA Documents & Monuments
– chat:
jamie 5:22 PM
I’m also just wondering how much the pre-work is being or should be stalled by the possibility that going to Malta is possible or not — i.e.: it is obviously hard to continue the research abstractly if the intention continues to be fieldwork / site visits. That’s probably why I’m trying to set intentions around going…
Margerita 6:21 PM
Jonas and Younes were here in Malta researching a project. It didn’t happen in the end (long story), but as part of their research, we had introduced them to someone who had worked on the Summit as a civil servant. IF I remember correctly, this person had given them a box file of material that he had kept from that time and didn’t know what to do with. That’s all.
Notes WG1 Context EFAP group workshop
– Discussed for WG1 to start working on a Context EFAP publication
– Rescue manual
– Create a computer book, using the Sandpoints Syllabus platform, published with Spheres Journal
– APRJA: open source publishing
Newspaper: On Friday (towards the end of our meeting), Open Source Publishing will introduce themselves and provide further instructions on the newspaper production. The deadline for this is March 5. The print newspaper will afterwards be distributed at all the transmediale festival events, and an electronic version will be included in the festival’s online Almanac.
– Interesting symposium around mapping WG1 may want to take note of in regards to ‘mapping’ attempts of Advanced Pracices: Shifts in Mapping
– Shaping the Invisible World exhibition
Spheres publication / EFAP links? (I dunno what that means… yet!)
I wonder if we could do a syllabus containing some of the ‘grey literature’ type documents we’ve been collecting, contextualised somehow… (similarly a Sphere issue of that nature might be interesting)
Martina 2:27 PM
I was not here for the previous Summer School – would this syllabus be then applied and shared with schools, and then an evolving syllabus as such.. Or a platform for research output alone?
Josh 2:29 PM
It is an open access resource with many potential uses/circulations. The aim tomorrow is to discuss the platforms affordances and our own collective aims/projects
Clemens 2:37 PM
@jamie: yes, definitely. i know that marcel is also working on a kind of hybrid publishing platform, which builds on pirate care.. he will talk about it tomorrow as well.
Ruth-Helene Melioranski (Offline) 6:12 PM
the process of making it is becoming a performance in itself